Technology addiction includes several kinds of addictions including internet addiction, smartphone addiction, social media addiction, TV addiction, computer addiction, and gaming addiction to identify some. Technology addiction of any kind harms a person's health. Dry and itchy eyes, backache, frequent headaches, and obesity are among the general health problems encountered by technology addicts.
Technology addicts prefer technology over everything. A person addicted to technology is unable to concentrate on work. He/she will be lazy most of the time and this makes him/her tend to other things. He/she is unable to think creatively and logically. Moreover, he/she is so addicted to technology. He/she often ignores his/her necessities and misses deadlines. Instead of killing time with their family or friends, they prefer playing video games or chatting with friends online. They do not like associating with people face to face. They avoid going out and unfortunately, this act can cause fear of going out.
To Conclude, Technology addiction is destroying people's life. Precautions must be taken from personal to general.You must limit its usage to avoid getting addicted to it. There should be specific deparments in schools and colleges to guide students to stay away from this addiction.You must make an effort to defeat it to lead a better life. If you are not taking any steps to crush it, it will crush you.
This article was prepared by Numan Kuru.
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